Thursday, May 5, 2016



There are a number of slightly different Herold snakes around, although I have only seen the Red-Lipped one in our area. Their body colours can vary, and brown and grey are most common, but some of them may look more olive. Sometimes the red lips are absent and they are cream or white, as in the Common Herold Snake. However, they always have black temples and fine white speckles. When threatened, such as when someone tries to capture it, it will coil into striking position and flatten the head which will make the head look larger. Boomslang, when threatened, blow up their necks, not totally unlike a Cobra but their necks become ‘thick’ rather than flat like the Cobra.
The only very venomous snakes I’ve seen or caught in our area, from the Third Ave dip in Newton Park right through Settlers Park until Brickmakers Kloof, is the Puff Adder, which accounts for most of the snake bites on dogs around here. In all cases, the dogs were trying to attack the Puff Adders because the dogs were bitten on their heads or necks. Southern Cross Vets always carry the anti-venom in stock. The Night Adder is far less venomous than the Puff Adder, and for most humans bitten by the Night Adder, hospitals will probably not administer anti-venom. Night Adders are much more likely to come into the house than Puff Adders, but to be honest, there are not many around in Mill Park or Linkside, they seem to be prefer the Mangold Park/Fairview area, or the other side of the valley in Walmer. The Rombic Night Adder comes in different colours (including olive, but I’ve only see brown and grey), they always have a very clear V on their head. Google shows a couple of green looking snakes that are allegedly ‘Night Adders’, but they don’t have the typical V on the head so they’re not found in South Africa.
There are Boomslang, Cobras, and Rinkhals in the greater PE area though, but unlike the monkeys, they will have a more difficult time crossing suburban streets and getting into our area. 
Below are some snakes you can expect to find in our area, but not the Boomslang.
THE COMMON HEROLD SNAKE – olive version. Not venomous, but the bite will sting. But the Red-Lipped Herold is much more common in our area. Eats frogs and lizards.

THE ROMBIC NIGHT ADDER – like the Puff Adder, slow and lazy, with a powerful strike when threatened. Slightly venomous.

THE AURORA HOUSE SNAKE –this is a green version, it is usually more olive. Totally harmless, will not even bite you. Best indigenous snake pet for little children, but illegal to keep.

A GREEN VERSION OF A MALE BOOMSLANG – small head big eyes. After the Black Mamba, most lethal.


THE COMMON EGGEATER – also has a V but on the neck not the head. Not dangerous, but is aggressive, although it hardly has any teeth.

THE SOUTHERN BROWN EGGEATER – does not have fangs. Second best indigenous snake pet for little children, but is illegal to keep.

THE OLIVE HOUSE SNAKE – very common in our area, also comes in olive colour. Not aggressive but will bite, not venomous. Also, the Brown House snake is similar but brown. Can get very big.

THE GREEN SNAKE OR GREEN WATER SNAKE – very good climber, very fast, non-aggressive, non-venomous, eats geckos and chameleons. Thin, and sometimes long.


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