Friday, May 15, 2020

Patrick's book "Water into wine" -- Religion and the Bible. Lockdown April / May 2020.

Water to Wine.   by Patrick Giddy.

This book was written by Patrick Giddy in April / May 2020 during the Covid 19 lockdown and used as an instruction text book for his 11 year old son Thomas.

Patrick writes in lesson 8 below :   You are driving on a dirt road which you have not used before; you are low on petrol,  You see a man on a bicycle and stop to ask him: "How far is it to the next town?" His reply is that it is very far.   His idea of "very far" on a bike may differ completely from yours in a motor car. 

Patrick goes on to say that if you live your life in a suburb where the people are of the same income group, race and religion you may never learn that there are different perspectives on life. 
In this book Patrick offers a glimpse of his (and others) perspective.  Read on and enjoy.

Patrick wrote this book during Lockdown April 2020 as a foundation for his one hour Philosophy  and Religious instruction to his 11 year old son (Thomas) who was being home schooled during Lockdown due to the Corona virus (Covid-19).  
 Lesson one takes you through a brief understanding of how the Bible is made up
 This is the end of lesson one.  Water into Wine.  What was the background of this story? An interesting and easy read.
 Lesson 2  -- God.   Jews thought God was only in one place
Who is God and Where is God?  Jews thought that they had an exclusive attachment to God and that Jerusalem is where God was closest.
Jesus;  the Jews and Jewish Life --- Alexander the Great;  Aristotle and Plato.
Plato and the story of the Cave.   Story telling is / was a way of explaining ideas and truths.
Lesson three  summary / questions.
Lesson four explains how religion and God influences and fits into our lives.
Chapter four explains that there are and have been many religions and explanations regarding life and death.
Chapter Five.   How to read and understand Bible stories.  -- the understanding of death.
The Story of Gilgamesh and the tree of life.
Adam and Eve and the tree of life.
Lesson 6.  The Gospels of the New Testament. Stories of journeys.
Journeys of Mohammed; Buddah and George help to illustrate the journey of Jesus.
Taking charge of the situation .
 Chapter 7.   The modern age of science.  We believe what we see.  The Sun rises in the east.  Our body caries our soul.  Heaven is up and Hell is down.
 Galileo proves that the earth rotates around the sun.   This is science and conflict with the Church and so he is put to death by church leaders.

 Chapter 8 A.   What seems to be and what is.
 Chapter 8 b.   Page 20  Psalm 19 vs 6:   It rises at one end of the heavens
    and makes its circuit to the other;.  Patrick poses the question -- Does the sun rise as in the Psalm or did the writer not understand that the earth revolves around the sun?  
 Chapter 8 c page 21  What is the difference between your perspective of how things seem to be and the way things really are?  This is science.
Chapter 8 d.  Page 22   We have opinions of things.

 Chapter 9 ..  Page 23.   The history of the Universe. How does God fit in?
 Chapter 9 page 24.   15 000 million years ago there was just energy and then a star exploded and the solar system developed about 4 000 million years ago.
 Chapter 10. Page 25 Humanism and our world today.  Self determination. 
 Chapter 10 page 26.   A look at how perspectives can differ.   And a democracy vs Hierarchy.
 Chapter 10.  Page 27.  What is Humanism?
 Chapter 10 page 28.   Humanism and Marriage.
Chapter 10 page 29.   Marriage in perspective.
 Glossary and list of characters 1
Glossary and list of Characters 2

 The timeline of the Universe and earth.   Time and Space -- Jews leave Babylon.
 Greek Philosophers Aristotle and Plato - Jesus life and death - Leonardo da Vinci.
Protestant reforms to present day Coronavirus.

This book was written by Patrick Giddy in April / May 2020 during the Covid 19 lockdown and used as an instruction text book for his 11 year old son Thomas.