Saturday Morning 1.01.2011
We have just switched on with Uncapped DSl for the first time since leaving EP Web where I was paying a lot more for limited access. I then moved to Axxess where I paid less but continually ran out of Gig's. Now it seems that there is no limit and I pay even less.
The weather has been overcast and we have enjoyed quite a bit of rain this past week. There have been a few thunder storms lasting just a few minutes which did not really help but at least the gardens are not as dry and miserable as they were previously.
Barbara and I had a really CHILLED weekend. We watched the last series (eight) of 24. We have enjoyed this series from the start. It becomes quite addictive. We tried a bit of outdoors but nothing really worked. We were all very lazy after all the family had left. Jessica stayed over for most of the weekend keeping Ally company.
I cleaned up the bikes and we had a couple of rides around in Mill Park. Jessica really enjoyed the biking. Barbara and Ally had to pack for their Botswana Trip.
Monday morning: I went down to the beach for my morning run and swim. This has been a huge plus for me. I simply cannot get enough of the run along the promenade and the swim aferwards. We alternated between going East to the Flat Rock along the Boardwalk or West along Kings Beach to the Harbour wall. This week we had Margie and Brian Saunders with Margie's daughter Samantha (From near Dublin) staying over with Colin McCall also joining us. Anne DuRand, Adrienne, Almarie, Adrian, Ron were the backbone of the group.
After the monday morning run I took Barbara and Ally to the airport. They flew out at 10am but only finally arrived at their hotel at Gabarone at around 10pm that evening. Barbara tried to phone me a few times but the cost of phoning is high and she would have to buy a new sim card each time. Adrienne explained that you can use skype to phone overseas. I will have to learn how to do that.
I received this awesome email from Jacqui:
Hi Dad,
I can't believe I let the day go by without getting to the phone to wish you happy birthday. You were, and always are, on my mind constantly. We are missing you so much. Annabell especially is asking after you constantly, and wants to go to 'granddad's park'!
I hope that when I am 60, I am able to be half the person you are. You are always such an inspiration to me. I know that you probably do not feel a day over 20, but you have lived an amazing 40 years over this, and have inspired and changed lives throughout your journey so far. I am so proud to call you my dad. I love you so dearly.
Happy birthday dad.
Of course we miss Jacqui, Michael & the children very much as well. Ce La Vie. I am not sure if there is anything that we could do about it but having Michael close to home and Nicci is not far; we see them regularly during the year helps.
I spent the week working in PE with no traveling. I had to look after Barbara's animals and the house. But I still went for my morning runs as my highlight of the day. It was my 60th Birthday this week. Adrienne and Anne brough muffins and juice to the beach as a celebration. Michael & family came around in the evening.
Ally and Mom are in Botswana for the week between Monday 3rd and Sunday 6th of January. They fly to Johannesburg and then Ally gets onto a bus while Barbara drives with Joshua Bellairs mother Odette and father plus child and one other. It is a whole day affair and after going through the border post they finall arrive at their hotel in Gabarone at around 10 that night. They then have a week of Gala swimming and missing home. When they arrived home on Sunday evening they had been travelling since 06.30 that morning and only arrived home after 9pm. Ally had done particularly well in the Backstroke event but had participated in a number of events where she did okay.
During this week I did little else but go for my morning run and swim and go to work.
Sunday morning we started our first Nippers Practice for the year.
Monday 10th: Barbara and Ally are home. It feels great to have them here. The house was quite empty and lonely with out them. Wednesday I go to Jhb for a one day meeting. Thursday evening we go to a Mexican Restaurant where Charles had taken me the previous week. Ally does not each much as she really does not enjoy the food. Also I think that she had made herself a big bowl of pasta for lunch. Friday morning Michael Dean, Gerald Scheepers and I do our Moffet Cycle. Easy pace and fun.
Saturday 15th: Colin Mcall fetches myself and Ben Carver and we go to Bluewaterbay to run the 15kay. We get there early but don't do any warming up (mistake). This is my very first event that I do as a 60year old. We find a good parking in an abandoned shop parking block. We walk down to the registration where we meet up with Achilles and Crusaders Runners reading themselves for this event.
The race starts at 06.30am; We start just outside the school grounds. Immediately I start to hurt in my left leg calf muscle. It gives me trouble from time to time especially on down hills. I had taken an anti inflamatory before leaving home. I am also out of breath and Ben and Tommy Satchwell head off. I should have warmed up.
I follow at my own pace and soon Michael Botha (MOF) and I are running together. We are basically at the back of the Achilles running group. I determine to enjoy the morning and not to stress about trying to beat anyone. I run without a walk for the first about 8 or 9kays. The route takes us down Tippers Creek and right around the waterfront suburb. Here we are able to see the front runners heading in the opposite direction. I count the runners and finally see Darryl Wight and Bradley Mc Kenzie following in about position 30th. Robin Fourie and Kaashief are just behind them.
Past the first 3kay watering table and then we run along the river front. This is a stunning route and the river looks cool and inviting in the heat of the morning. I wore a cap but had to take it off as I was heating up. It is a case of sunburn on the top of my head or over heating due to the cap. We reach the second water table at the lifesaving club house and then have to do a bit of 4X4 stuff as we slip over the sand that covers the road.
Back into the suburb and we again see some of the front runners as they are now a good number of kilometers ahead of us. Round through the suburb and then back heading across the main road. Now we encouter the 5kay runners. Then at a slight hill I walk for a few minutes. Michael and I are running together still. We run though this newer section of BWB and then start heading in a direction that will take us home. Then the second walk comes with about 5kays to go also on a slight incline.
I get going again and an Achillean girl runs up to me: Adri DuPlessis (Steenkamp) turns out to be a school friend of Ronel Scheepers. I have not met her before and she tells me about her school and subsequent running. She runs steadily and we catch up to Tom Darcy. Michael is with us. We catch Ben who went out a little faster. Then we hit Tippers Creek Hill. I am able to jog up to the 14kay mark and then walk. Tom and Adri pass me. I make an attempt to catch them but give up without much of a fight.
Ben and I run the last kay into the school field together and he times us to have run at 6 minutes a kay = 90 minutes. I am not entirely dissatisfied. Colin follows us into the stadium a few minutes later. We put on a clean shirt and spend a few minutes with the Achilles and Crusaders tents having a cold drink before heading home. Maybe not a hugely memorable race but I have enjoyed myself and am glad to take part in an event again.
Sunday morning Barbara, Ally and I are up early and head down to Hobie Beach. As I woke up I looked out the window and saw a completely calm morning; a great day for a swim. But when we reached Hobie the windsock was stading straight up with a strong westerly. To find a parking at Hobie on an Ocean Series day you have to be there before 08.00am. Ally and I register. It is her first race and my third. Barbara has arranged for a Wetsuit from Orca. It is a struggle to put on these thin wet suites as they fit very closely and are thin and easy to tear. I go for a short swim to get a feel for the temperature. It is certainly not too cold and I decide to not wear my thick wet suite that I wore at the last event.
We stand around waiting for the race to start. All around us are people we know. Ally meets up with Natalie Billson. Ally goes to Collegiate High School next week. Natalie will be one of her first contacts there. The two of them gather around their freinds and wait for the race to start. The 3kay swim starts first and then five minutes later it is our turn. As usual I am right at the back. We swim quite a long way straight out to the first buoy. This is not a difficult section and I see that there are a number of swimmers behind me. A couple of them take a short cut and do not round the buoy.
We now head in a westerly direction towards the "six pack". This is the toughest section that I have done in the three swims that I have done. The wind is in our faces and this creates spashing and waves that have to be experienced to know how tough it makes the swim. The wind had the added effect of pushing me seawards. I was becoming a little despondent and saw a number of swimmers being picked up in the Rubber Duck as well as on the Jet Ski. The West Wind has the added discomfort that as you try to breath the water splashes into your mouth and you swallow sea water.
As I started to approach the Six Pack buoy I looked up to see a school of Dolphins swimming on the shore side of me. They looked huge and fast. I never got close enough to see them under water. This made the whole swim worthwhile and made me determined to reach the buoy ahead of me. I was exhausted and alone. The three kay front group passed me before I even reached the buoy. Finally I felt as if I was making headway and rounded the second Buoy.
From here it is a short swim towards shore to the third buoy. But it was again straight into the wind and I had to make a determined effort to swim as hard as I could as I knew that as soon as I reached this marker it would be a whole lot easier. Now heading back to the Pier the wind was behind me and the splashing of the waves was not nearly as noticeable. Again I had to correct my direction a number of times as I was being pushed out to sea. Even when I thought that I was swimming directly towards the pier I found myself heading seawards again.
Finally I swam past the pier and was able to head directly towards the beach. i breath on my left hand side and could use the buildings along the beach road as markers to guide me in the final stretch. I thought that I was last in the 1kay swimmers but only later on when I saw the results did I realise that there were 11 swimmers behind me. My family was at the finish to greet me. Ally had finished about 20 minutes ahead of me. My time was 47 minutes while Ally finished together with Graham Richards in around 25 minutes. Ally had finished just ahead of Natalie and was placed 2nd in the 13year old category and 42nd overall. There were 4 men in the 60+age category. Colin was second and I was fourth. Ronel Scheepers; 30 min 17th. Natalie Billson 3rd in 29.30. Natalie's two elder sisters; Carmel and Lauren were placed First and Second in 17.30; Margie Saunders 1st in 26.48. Christine Claassen 30.24; Alec Riddle 33.24; Jamie and Cameron Riddle; 34.30; Michael Bester 39.08; There were 190 swimmers in the One Kay swim. Summerstrand present and past Nippers were well represented with Jason and Daniel Jones in the top Ten; Kurt van Staden; Lise-Marie Goosen; Wesley Wiehann; Giovanni Falco all in the top ten finishers. Rogan Scheepers was 2nd 13y in 25.26. Shuaib Abrahams finished 28.24. Claire Breetske finished in 30.28; Wayne Jones completed the 3kay swim ahead of Raynard Tissink in 44 mInutes. Tim Fraser swam 54 minutes; Chris Howes 1.09; Rob Connacher at 76 swam 1.24; and Mike Webb 1.39.
The prize giving took far too long and after this we still had to join the Nippers Training. I took the U14's for a body board and swim practice. The West Wind was really strong at Summerstrand and the waves were dumping. We had to get through the waves and only on the sea side of the swells were we able to swim. We also did a bit of beach sprints. By the time it was around 12.30 we were all pretty Beach Frazzeled. We dropped Ally and Natalie off at the boardwalk. We joined them for a small brakfast at the Dulcies before leaving them to meet up with their friends: Daniel, MC and Tara.
Monday 17th I ran the with Susan Burri. I battled this morning and was very tired when I finished. Ally had two sessions of swimming of 2 hours each.
Tuesday 18th: I had a lie in this morning. I had planned an away trip but was just too tired to consider it. Also too many things both at work and at home happening at home. Joshua starts Junior School at Clarendon this morning. Ally goes to High School at Collegiate for the first time in her school uniform for a short introduction Meeting.
This month Ally decides to join up in Water Polo. She is chosen for the first team U14 and has a tournament scheduled for 11th Febrary.
Saturday 22nd I am up early for a good Beach Run: we do the full distance including Admiralty Way; Then a swim before rushing off to the Westbourne Oval where I took part in the Biathlon. I was expecting to be part of the 60Plus age group. Chris Jansen tells me that the age qulification is only up to 1 September and that I am technically still 59. I run the 1000m in the wet and wind but it is fun and from here I rush down to the office where I have a number of things to complete before rushing off to Newton Park swimpool where we do the swim. Unfortunately I will not be able to take part in the East Cape event in Oudtshoorn as I will be involved in the East Cape Nippers Champs.
Nippers on Sunday keeps us busy.
Monday I head off to East London for business and I stay there for most of the week.
Friday 28th January.
This morning starts with Michael Dean; Gerald Scheepers and I doing our Bicycle ride around the Moffat circuit. I have come to enjoy this short bike ride. Low pressure. Fair distance. tough climb up Target Kloof at the end and then I ride both Mike and Gerald home.
This evening Ally has a commitment to be part of the international swimmers event at Newton Park swim pool. I go to watch a Friendly between Eastern Cape (Southern Kings) and the Blue Bulls. Brenda, Julia and Jessica come along as well. We get there early and have some thing to eat and drink; I order a Bunny Chow for Julia and myself. Half a loaf of bread with the inside scooped out and a chicken Curry stuffing. Really tastey and VERY filling. The Rugby is exciting; Kings score three penalty goals (9 points) before half time. Then in the second half they score two running tries before allowing the Bulls to score a concellation try in the final five minutes of the game.
Jessica finds huge amusement in the chap in front of us who was on his feet dancing and chanting but cannot stay awake in the second half of the game.
Saturday 29th
This morning I have to be at Homleigh farms to assist with Parking Duty for the Achilles Marathon. All goes well and I am able to be in the office reasonably early.
Sunday 30th.
Ally and I swim another Ocean Series One Kay. Barbara manages to hire the wet suite again and Ally has a good swim despite the strong West Wind that blows into our faces from the Pier to the Six Pack. It is the same conditions as two weeks ago. Splashing waves into our faces. Difficult to breath and generally tough swim. I am wiser this time and after turning west at the first buoy I head towards the shore. The wind pushes me out to sea but I keep aiming at the shore line and am not on my own heading out to sea. I find that I have some other swimmers to my right.
Once we turn towards the shore at the second Buoy it is not too long before we head back home. This is the best part of the swim but again I am pushed outwards. Paddy Cloete is assisting a man to his first attempt. He had bailed last time at the first Buoy and had wanted to do so again today. Paddy had helped him and they passed me in the final stretch. I seem to swim outwards and I think that it is a fear of getting too close to the Pier.
Ally swims at around 25 minutes and 3rd U14 girl while I am 20 minutes slower at 47 minutes. 4 OLD man on the beach. It was a really tough swim again but we both felt good afterwards. Michael brought his family down to the beach and Jessica and Joshua took part in the One Kay beach run. Julia did the 5 kay walk. A sporting weekend for us as Ally and I went off to Nippers for the rest of the day. After Nippers we chose the teams for the East Cape Champs of Next wekend after which a group of us loaded the trailer.
This evening; Sunday 31st was the first time that I have left a Church Service due to total boredom and poor message. I normally enjoy the Sunday evenings but this evening there were a couple of speakers about their own mission work and it was much more "coffee table" talk than Sermon Material.
Monday 31st. I go to our Cell Group in the evening. It is good to see the group again after a long break. We decide that we have now completed our "purpose Driven Life".
Busy lives we live. Full of activity. Lots of fun.
Peter Giddy
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday was a long day at the office for me. I had to collect scull caps and the trailer licence at the clubhouse after work and then make ready for the trip to Plett in the morning. Unfortunately, due to exams, we have a poor turnout at Plett by Summies Nippers this time around.

We stayed at Ena's Flat for our Nippers trip. We had the trailer at the back of our car which slowed us down a bit and used DOUBLE the petrol but it was okay with the trailer and it gave us no trouble at all. While we did not have a big turnout for Summies at Nippers, we accounted for ourselves with Ally as TOP U14 Nipper Girl and Daniel Jones as 2ND in the U14 boys. Ally simply takes part in every possible event. She makes us very proud and we receive a lot of compliments at the strangest of times and totally unexpected.

We had an awesome team of 6 X U14 boys; 1 X U14 Girl and 3 X U12 Girls. Plus Shimone who had not done her level test. Shimone competed where ever she could but had to pull out of the results. Shimone was placed high in all the events where she took part. Swim; Body and Malibu Boards; Long Run etc.

U14 Boys: Daniel Jones; Christian Fraser; Tristan Jonas (14th Birthday =27th); Bradley Odendaal; Bonga Mosola; Taine Finn
U14 Girl: Ally Giddy
U12 Girls; Marion Jonas; Sancha Goliath & Erica van Rooyen.
We won the Boys and the Girls Sea Swim. (Daniel and Ally)
We had two teams for Taplin including one U12 and came 4th and 5th overall.
We had two teams for Sprint Relay (Also including an U12) and were placed 2nd and 5th overall.
Body Board Relay we were 2nd and 5th
And I think we were the same for Malibu.

Then on Sunday having U14: 3 boys in Sprint and 3 boys in Flags finals; And U12 Erica and Marion in Flags and Sprint finals.
We started the day with Long Run
Marion = 2nd and Erica =3
Tristan = 2 with Bonga a close 3rd. Bradley followed with 7th Place.
Ally = 3rd
Run Swim Run
Erica = 5 and Sancha = 11
Daniel 2 Christian = 4
Ally = 1st

Malibu Board Individual
Erica =12th
Daniel = 3; Christian = 5
Ally = 5
Iron Nipper
Daniel = 3; Christian = 4
Ally = 2
Individual Sprint Finals
Erica = 4
Tristan = 1; Bonga = 2 and Taine =3
Ally = 2

Flags Finals
Marion = 5
Erica =6
Tristan = 2; Bonga = 3 and Taine =7
Ally = 5
Overall Results
U10 - No representative
U12 - Summies were 4/5 teams
U14 - We were placed 2nd to Kings Beach with our small but corageous team.
Overall we were 4th placed team.
Under 14 boys: Daniel was 2nd Best Competitor
Under 14 Girls: Ally was Best Competitor.
Parents who enjoyed this weekend:
Peter & Barbara Giddy
Lawrence and Tess Finn
Andrew and Catherine Jonas
Gary & Deidre Goliath
Joy van Rooyen
Tony, Raylene and Kiliegh Odendaal.

Roger Fraser
Vanessa and Mike Jones
We started the day off on Saturday with a small argument as we were pushed around as to where we could pitch our tent. We ended up where we always are. East London had a full on team; the biggest we have ever seen from EL. Kings Beach had a strong team with the parents supporting the Plett Carnival 100%. Plett themselves had the biggest of the 5 teams while Summies had 10 nippers with Hobie beating us with 12 Nippers.

The events ran very smoothly but the water was freezing cold. A couple of us parents tried swimming but it was simply too cold to stay in the water. It was a hot sunny day and towards the later afternoon it became a "searing heat". I went out on the Malibu board a couple of times to support our brave U12's. This was the very first time that Sancha had ever been on a Malibu Board. She bravely did the course, overturned at the second buoy where we swapped boards and she finished in fine style. Marion is terrified of the waves (What waves?) but she too completed the Malibu Board event.

During the day a couple of the younger group were pulled in as they cramped or just could not take the cold.
We were treated to both a pair of seals and a school of dolphins. The two seals never left the beach as they flopped inside of the Buoys. This gave the Nippers something to do as they tried to follow the seals. There were large numbers of fish that provided a meal for the birds and the seals.

Later in the afternoon we watched Rugby (Springboks play England) in the Plett clubhouse. It was a good festive afternoon with a satisfying end to a hard UK tour. We had beaten the Irish and the Welsh, Lost to the Scots and were delighted to have beaten the England Team in the last of 4 matches.

Sunday morning it was drizzling and raining intermittently the whole morning. The water was even colder today without the warm sun. We enjoyed watching a huge flock of Comorants fly just above the waterline. The events continued to run smoothly. However we always under estimate the time it takes to complete the flags finals. After the results had been called out it was around 13.30 before we could leave.
Plett is always a treat. To those who missed the outing this year: put it in Dark Pen in your 2011 diary.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ally comes out of the water at Hobie beach; HANSGROHE seniors competition with invites / Wildclard for Juniors and U14 Nippers

Last month of this decade. For me this month started with Working in the Transkei. I visited shops in Mount Frere; Bizana (slept over at the Aloe B & B in Port Edward) and Flagstaff (slept at the Spotted Grunter in Port St Johns) and Lusikisiki and the last night at the Red Valley B & B in Khomga. It was a tough driving week. Barbara was having an equally tough week with School arrangements and the stress of trying to establish what was going on with Michael's sickness. Jessica is so good with the little children at Barbara's school and helps whenever she is able.

Saturday morning 4 December I ran at the beach front with Ben Carver. I am not at all fit at the moment but we ran at an easy pace while a number of the MPRG were running the marathon in Lorraine.
Sunday morning I had planned an ocean swim but the blustery wind put me off. I took the trailer down to Hobie where we met the Summies team for Nippers Practice. It was a good session with easy boarding and a lot of beach work. We set up the tent but the wind beat us and blew it down again. THis afternoon I did a bit of accounting work and reading.
Sunday evening I go to church
Monday morning 6th I went to Humansdorp to a shop and then collected Margaret and Jordi from Plett and took them to the airport. They met with Barbara and Ally at the swim pool and showed us some of their photo's of the pirenees village where they have a house as well as Taragona where they live. They have invited us to visit. I am not sure when that will be but we would love to do so.

Tuesday morning Ally had a school function and assembly which I attended. Wednesday I did a Grahamstown visit and THursday was Ally;s last day at Clarendon with a final assembly. Quite touching and well done with a photographic display and stories of their time at Clarendon. It has been a good school for Ally and for ourselves. We have made many friends and Ally was truly happy at this school.

Thursday 9.12.2010: Ally final assembly. The Grade Sevens are acknowledged and have the opportunity to say farewell to their friends and teachers. Quite emotional as Ally is part of the parade leaving the school.
Thursday 09.12.2010
I have run all of this week but on Thursday morning find that the calf muscle injury that I have been battling with is just too painful to carry on. This evening is the Achilles Beer run. I have not been on a Beer run for years and have made a decision that this evening I will run with the chaps even if I dont drink the beer.
I leave work 10 minutes early and am at Old Grey nice and early. I feel a bit out of place but am welcomed by some Old Achilleans. Tommy points out the names of some of the people who I do not know and I meet a new (for me) group. I look around and see that there are only men here today. I think nothing of it as I am used to Beer Runs being a male dominated event. Of course that was when we were still at Walmer Gardens in the "Dark Ages".
Suddenly we are greeted by a group of Ladies who are all dressed in black and white tops and who look stunning as a group.
We set off across Cape Road, into Mill Park Road and down the Target Kloof Steps. Bob is curious about the Pig in the garden at our home. The Pig is Barbara's pet and is called Tinkerbelle. She is a huge hit with the children who attend Barbara's playschool. We run up Lloyd Road to Lex Mitchells home. He has a home brewery there. Sue and Lex treated us to some of their stunning brew. It was not the light version as I had a taste and I can imagine those who had a full glass must have realised.
From Lex we ran / walked through Walmer and to Third Ave where we visited the Zebra bar. 60 runners in a bar makes an impact. The bar men were kept busy for some time. Most of the runners drifted outside as it was quite Smokey inside. We runners are so self ritcheous and mostly dislike smoking. It is a smelly habit and irritates us. Only as we were leaving the bar area; and one of the runners lifts an arm, do I realise that we too were quite smelly (men only of course). Anche was at the door forcing each Achillean to take a sip from a bottle of the Archers.
Jock had been following in his van. From here we jogged across to the SouthEnder. I was sure that we would find our old Achillean Charl Hatting in the pub next to this one. I dragged Graham, Bob and Kenny into the bar and sure enough there is Charl. A really courteous and friendly man who greets me every time I go to the bar. I sometimes buy Chinese Take-Aways and while the meal is being prepared stop in for a beer in this pub.
The Southender became a raucous noisy bar with sweaty Achilleans acting as though they owned the place. What I realised is that even the shortest of runs makes me sweat quite heavily. Each time we stopped I broke out in sweat across my face and brow. I would not normally have noticed it but in the close confines of the pub it becomes really noticeable.
After some more joviality, noisy talk, much laughter and fun we left the Southender and found a set of steps that led down to Valley Road next to the old Mosque. We regrouped and then went across the new section of road crossing the Bakens River to a set of steps that Graham knew from many years ago. He explained that he used to run these stairs from the bottom of Brickies up to the old Fort Frederik and round again. The most number of times that he has done this was 13 in succession.
We found the stairs a bit overgrown and most of us became scratched with the thorn bushes that we had to push aside. Then we discovered that the steps were wet from a leaking pipe up ahead. Our socks, shoes and legs were now wet and muddy. Up and Up we climbed. Graham announced that there were 113 steps to climb. Finally we reached to top only to find a tall steel fence with spikes and razor wire preventing us from going any further. To the one side was an electric fence which no one was prepared to test and on the other side was a building. We had to turn around.
The disbelief from the people still coming up was tangible. So we made our way back down through the overgrown bushes and in the dark. Pat had a pair of shoes with flashing red lights and Lesley (I think) had a torch tied to one of her shoes. Otherwise we had no idea where we were going. Humour was starting to fade despite the three or more beers that had already been consumed. Liz tripped and scratched herself again. "No - I am not alright" she announced. Martin & Philip stayed behind to assist those coming down.
Back into Brick Makers Kloof. Mike Bester leads the way up. I try to keep up but am soon out of breath and fall back. At the top there is again some regrouping done but now the 60 runners have spread across PE Central area. Down Bird drive. I hear some negotiation going on. Local ladies seem completely disinterested in this smelly group of Drunkards.
We arrive at the Prince Alfred Guards Army Base. They have put on a kind of tour for us to see their memorabilia. Tony and I wait for the serious drinkers to finish in the pub. Then we hear some announcements being made by Anche. It seems that she has persuaded Theresa to lie on the Bar and place a shot glass of Schnapps on her tummy and selected men (I was not sure of the selection criteria) must kneel over her and drink without using hands. Much fun and laughter while brave Theresa provides the platform.
From The Army drill hall we jog down to The Stage Door. Here there is a singer playing all the catchy old songs with which we oldies are so familiar. Drinks are ordered and we see trays of food being served. I join a table and we proceed to do a PB on the time it takes to demolish a try of meaty snacks and full tray of chips.
Jock announces that he will be providing a lift home for those who need it. Michael Myburg, Johan and Joy, Pat and myself climb into the van and thankfully do not have to jog home. We left with more food being brought in and the dancing starting to liven up.
Graham tells me that most of the group continued until late. After the Stage Door in Chapel Street they made their way up and over the Donkin to the Adult World shop. I would have liked to have seen that; I am sure there would have been a lot a fun and laughter. From there they team walked and jogged to Castro's in Rink Street where they partied on until after Midnight when the bar closed. The remaining 40 or so Achilleans walked the last few kays back to Old Grey.
The Achilles Beer Run had been a fun evening all round. Well done to the organisers (Anche, Graham, Paulette) and the leaders of the route.
Friday morning Gerald has phoned me to ask if I want to start the Friday Morning Cycle again. I am keen and take out my bike for the first time in ages. I meet up with Mike Dean in Wares Road and Gerald has a No Show. We do the short "Moffet Circuit" in the mist. We feel the mist on our faces and arms. Mike has to clear his Glasses from time to time as they have no Windscreen Wipers. It is a fun short bit of exersize. This evening Ally stays at home for the first time in ages. She has a busy social life going to movies and suppers and parties with her friends. This year Ally had her 7th August Birthday Party in December. She and Mark Zoneveldt share a party each year. This year it is held at Bev's Sister's home. Ally and friends seem to have a great time.
Today Mark Du Pisanie left for Johannesburg. He has stayed with us, on and off, for most of 2010 while he was studying for Matric at Linkside High. He will now move in with his sisters, Crystal and Samantha.

Saturday morning 11.12.2010: I run the beach run with: Pat & Gerald; Elmarie; Mike; Anne and John; Adrian Smith. We have a swim afterwards. Then later that morning we are back at Hobie beach for Ally's Hansgrohe Nippers event.
A small group of Nippers and Supporters came down to Hobie beach on Saturday afternoon 11 December 2010
Bradley Odendaal
Natalie Billson
Christie Vaughn
Ally Giddy
Were selected and participated in the Hansgrohe U14 Summertrand Nippers team. Other Nippers selected were not able to participate and we were not allowed subsitutes.
In addition, Tristan Jonas took part even though he could not be recorded as a team member.

Supporters who braved the chilly south wind and the occasional drizzel, included Lawrence, Tess and Taine Finn, Raelene and Kileigh Odendaal, (Tony was licencing his boat and could not make it) Andrew, Catherine and Marion Jonas, Lukea Vaughn, Terry Billson, John and Bradley Nelson, Barbara & Peter Giddy as well as Ally's brother; Michael's family.
Well done to Christie and Ally who were also part of the EP Swim Champs and cancelled their afternoon Gala events to be on the beach.
The afternoon was part of a series of three events (including Cape Town and Durban) sponsored by Hangrohe (Bathroom fittings such as shower heads). The National Lifesaving team is sponsored to go around the country to practice and take part in events as part of their training academy.

Local (Wildcard) U14 Nippers are also invited to take part. Today there were representatives from Plett, East London, Hobie Beach, Kings beach and Summies. The Senior team does the same events as the U14's but add Sprints, Flags and Ironman.
Our U14 team started off with an Ocean Swim event where Christie came out first, Ally second and Natalie 4th.
Last month of this decade. For me this month started with Working in the Transkei. I visited shops in Mount Frere; Bizana (slept over at the Aloe B & B in Port Edward) and Flagstaff (slept at the Spotted Grunter in Port St Johns) and Lusikisiki and the last night at the Red Valley B & B in Khomga. It was a tough driving week. Barbara was having an equally tough week with School arrangements and the stress of trying to establish what was going on with Michael's sickness. Jessica is so good with the little children at Barbara's school and helps whenever she is able.

Saturday morning 4 December I ran at the beach front with Ben Carver. I am not at all fit at the moment but we ran at an easy pace while a number of the MPRG were running the marathon in Lorraine.
Sunday morning I had planned an ocean swim but the blustery wind put me off. I took the trailer down to Hobie where we met the Summies team for Nippers Practice. It was a good session with easy boarding and a lot of beach work. We set up the tent but the wind beat us and blew it down again. THis afternoon I did a bit of accounting work and reading.
Sunday evening I go to church
Monday morning 6th I went to Humansdorp to a shop and then collected Margaret and Jordi from Plett and took them to the airport. They met with Barbara and Ally at the swim pool and showed us some of their photo's of the pirenees village where they have a house as well as Taragona where they live. They have invited us to visit. I am not sure when that will be but we would love to do so.
Tuesday morning Ally had a school function and assembly which I attended. Wednesday I did a Grahamstown visit and THursday was Ally;s last day at Clarendon with a final assembly. Quite touching and well done with a photographic display and stories of their time at Clarendon. It has been a good school for Ally and for ourselves. We have made many friends and Ally was truly happy at this school.

Thursday 9.12.2010: Ally final assembly. The Grade Sevens are acknowledged and have the opportunity to say farewell to their friends and teachers. Quite emotional as Ally is part of the parade leaving the school.
Thursday 09.12.2010
I have run all of this week but on Thursday morning find that the calf muscle injury that I have been battling with is just too painful to carry on. This evening is the Achilles Beer run. I have not been on a Beer run for years and have made a decision that this evening I will run with the chaps even if I dont drink the beer.
I leave work 10 minutes early and am at Old Grey nice and early. I feel a bit out of place but am welcomed by some Old Achilleans. Tommy points out the names of some of the people who I do not know and I meet a new (for me) group. I look around and see that there are only men here today. I think nothing of it as I am used to Beer Runs being a male dominated event. Of course that was when we were still at Walmer Gardens in the "Dark Ages".
Suddenly we are greeted by a group of Ladies who are all dressed in black and white tops and who look stunning as a group.
We set off across Cape Road, into Mill Park Road and down the Target Kloof Steps. Bob is curious about the Pig in the garden at our home. The Pig is Barbara's pet and is called Tinkerbelle. She is a huge hit with the children who attend Barbara's playschool. We run up Lloyd Road to Lex Mitchells home. He has a home brewery there. Sue and Lex treated us to some of their stunning brew. It was not the light version as I had a taste and I can imagine those who had a full glass must have realised.
From Lex we ran / walked through Walmer and to Third Ave where we visited the Zebra bar. 60 runners in a bar makes an impact. The bar men were kept busy for some time. Most of the runners drifted outside as it was quite Smokey inside. We runners are so self ritcheous and mostly dislike smoking. It is a smelly habit and irritates us. Only as we were leaving the bar area; and one of the runners lifts an arm, do I realise that we too were quite smelly (men only of course). Anche was at the door forcing each Achillean to take a sip from a bottle of the Archers.
Jock had been following in his van. From here we jogged across to the SouthEnder. I was sure that we would find our old Achillean Charl Hatting in the pub next to this one. I dragged Graham, Bob and Kenny into the bar and sure enough there is Charl. A really courteous and friendly man who greets me every time I go to the bar. I sometimes buy Chinese Take-Aways and while the meal is being prepared stop in for a beer in this pub.
The Southender became a raucous noisy bar with sweaty Achilleans acting as though they owned the place. What I realised is that even the shortest of runs makes me sweat quite heavily. Each time we stopped I broke out in sweat across my face and brow. I would not normally have noticed it but in the close confines of the pub it becomes really noticeable.
After some more joviality, noisy talk, much laughter and fun we left the Southender and found a set of steps that led down to Valley Road next to the old Mosque. We regrouped and then went across the new section of road crossing the Bakens River to a set of steps that Graham knew from many years ago. He explained that he used to run these stairs from the bottom of Brickies up to the old Fort Frederik and round again. The most number of times that he has done this was 13 in succession.
We found the stairs a bit overgrown and most of us became scratched with the thorn bushes that we had to push aside. Then we discovered that the steps were wet from a leaking pipe up ahead. Our socks, shoes and legs were now wet and muddy. Up and Up we climbed. Graham announced that there were 113 steps to climb. Finally we reached to top only to find a tall steel fence with spikes and razor wire preventing us from going any further. To the one side was an electric fence which no one was prepared to test and on the other side was a building. We had to turn around.
The disbelief from the people still coming up was tangible. So we made our way back down through the overgrown bushes and in the dark. Pat had a pair of shoes with flashing red lights and Lesley (I think) had a torch tied to one of her shoes. Otherwise we had no idea where we were going. Humour was starting to fade despite the three or more beers that had already been consumed. Liz tripped and scratched herself again. "No - I am not alright" she announced. Martin & Philip stayed behind to assist those coming down.
Back into Brick Makers Kloof. Mike Bester leads the way up. I try to keep up but am soon out of breath and fall back. At the top there is again some regrouping done but now the 60 runners have spread across PE Central area. Down Bird drive. I hear some negotiation going on. Local ladies seem completely disinterested in this smelly group of Drunkards.
We arrive at the Prince Alfred Guards Army Base. They have put on a kind of tour for us to see their memorabilia. Tony and I wait for the serious drinkers to finish in the pub. Then we hear some announcements being made by Anche. It seems that she has persuaded Theresa to lie on the Bar and place a shot glass of Schnapps on her tummy and selected men (I was not sure of the selection criteria) must kneel over her and drink without using hands. Much fun and laughter while brave Theresa provides the platform.
From The Army drill hall we jog down to The Stage Door. Here there is a singer playing all the catchy old songs with which we oldies are so familiar. Drinks are ordered and we see trays of food being served. I join a table and we proceed to do a PB on the time it takes to demolish a try of meaty snacks and full tray of chips.
Jock announces that he will be providing a lift home for those who need it. Michael Myburg, Johan and Joy, Pat and myself climb into the van and thankfully do not have to jog home. We left with more food being brought in and the dancing starting to liven up.
Graham tells me that most of the group continued until late. After the Stage Door in Chapel Street they made their way up and over the Donkin to the Adult World shop. I would have liked to have seen that; I am sure there would have been a lot a fun and laughter. From there they team walked and jogged to Castro's in Rink Street where they partied on until after Midnight when the bar closed. The remaining 40 or so Achilleans walked the last few kays back to Old Grey.
The Achilles Beer Run had been a fun evening all round. Well done to the organisers (Anche, Graham, Paulette) and the leaders of the route.
Friday morning Gerald has phoned me to ask if I want to start the Friday Morning Cycle again. I am keen and take out my bike for the first time in ages. I meet up with Mike Dean in Wares Road and Gerald has a No Show. We do the short "Moffet Circuit" in the mist. We feel the mist on our faces and arms. Mike has to clear his Glasses from time to time as they have no Windscreen Wipers. It is a fun short bit of exersize. This evening Ally stays at home for the first time in ages. She has a busy social life going to movies and suppers and parties with her friends. This year Ally had her 7th August Birthday Party in December. She and Mark Zoneveldt share a party each year. This year it is held at Bev's Sister's home. Ally and friends seem to have a great time.
Today Mark Du Pisanie left for Johannesburg. He has stayed with us, on and off, for most of 2010 while he was studying for Matric at Linkside High. He will now move in with his sisters, Crystal and Samantha.

Saturday morning 11.12.2010: I run the beach run with: Pat & Gerald; Elmarie; Mike; Anne and John; Adrian Smith. We have a swim afterwards. Then later that morning we are back at Hobie beach for Ally's Hansgrohe Nippers event.
A small group of Nippers and Supporters came down to Hobie beach on Saturday afternoon 11 December 2010
Bradley Odendaal
Natalie Billson
Christie Vaughn
Ally Giddy
Were selected and participated in the Hansgrohe U14 Summertrand Nippers team. Other Nippers selected were not able to participate and we were not allowed subsitutes.
In addition, Tristan Jonas took part even though he could not be recorded as a team member.

Supporters who braved the chilly south wind and the occasional drizzel, included Lawrence, Tess and Taine Finn, Raelene and Kileigh Odendaal, (Tony was licencing his boat and could not make it) Andrew, Catherine and Marion Jonas, Lukea Vaughn, Terry Billson, John and Bradley Nelson, Barbara & Peter Giddy as well as Ally's brother; Michael's family.
Well done to Christie and Ally who were also part of the EP Swim Champs and cancelled their afternoon Gala events to be on the beach.
The afternoon was part of a series of three events (including Cape Town and Durban) sponsored by Hangrohe (Bathroom fittings such as shower heads). The National Lifesaving team is sponsored to go around the country to practice and take part in events as part of their training academy.

Local (Wildcard) U14 Nippers are also invited to take part. Today there were representatives from Plett, East London, Hobie Beach, Kings beach and Summies. The Senior team does the same events as the U14's but add Sprints, Flags and Ironman.
Our U14 team started off with an Ocean Swim event where Christie came out first, Ally second and Natalie 4th.
Then on the Body Board Ally and Natalie did well to complete against a tough field.
The Boys; Bradley and Tristan competed and finished in fine style.

The last event for the U14 Nippers was the Mailbu Board event. Christie had not been feeling well and was about to leave when she decided at the last minute to take part. Ally, Christie and Natalie ran into the water, Christie has not been practicing this year and got off to a bad start, falling as she tried to get going. Ally rounded the first and the second Buoy in the lead, Christie was third.
In the sprint to the finish there were three girls who were leading the field. There were almost no waves to ride to the shore but Christie managed to catch a small wave, Ally nose dived and the exciting finish saw Christie edge ahead with Ally a close second and Natalie just behind them.

Then it was the Boys Malibu Board. The competition was strong with only the top Plett Competitors having been selected for the afternoon's activity. Our Two boys; Bradley and Tristan gave it everything that they had and while Tristan was not given a place, the two of them came in at position 6th. Well done to Tristan for the support that he gave to Bradley who would have been our sole Summies Boy.
The rain had come and gone a couple of times as the brave Summies competitors and supporters stayed on the beach. However the Nippers were now finished their events and the seniors were doing the Ironman when the rain started again. So the sponsors handed out a small "godie bag' and the Nippers packed up and left.
Well done Summies team. Again, while we only had a small team, they had a successful afternoon.


This evening Ally has a Party at The Stone Castle in Pari Park. Friend Wade comes to our house and we drop the two of them. Roslyn Crankshaw. Then we go to Charles and Ingrid for a supper and bridge. They have this awning that they have erected next to the Braai. It is really a good addition and makes sitting outside a real pleasure. They braai two fishes that Charles bought at the harbour. I had made a fruit salad and Ice cream but we had to leave to collect Ally at 9.30pm.
Sunday morning: Ally goes off to the EP champs Gala. Yesterday she improved her time for 100Meter Freestyle by 2seconds (71secs). Her swimming ability shows at the Nippers Carnival events as well. This morning I take the trailer to Summies where a good group of Nippers and coaches brave a strong East wind to run and swim. After Nippers we have a bit of a social with a pootjie.
Today Ally managed to beat her previous best time of 33Secs for 50meters Freestyle. She swam a 32.84sec which may not sound that much but it now gives her a new goal to beat and this was a time that she had been stuck on for most of 2010.

This week I stayed in PE. Monday = Cell Group.
Tuesday; Nicci and Family drive through from Cape Town. It is a full day's drive for them in the Renault.

Wednesday; Jacqui, Emily and Annabelle fly from Binyamina to Jhb and PE. The transit from JHB to PE was quite an event as time was running out and Jacqui had to run to catch the connecting flight. Asking a stranger to assist her carrying a child to the checkout. Then finding it was the wrong place. Running to the next exit and making it to the bus just in time. Only to find that other passengers ambled into the bus in their own time.

Finally she arrived in PE and we whisked her off to a Carols Service at the church. The children had a whale of a time on the jumping castles. The service itself was a little long and drawn out for Children. There was a clump of children bodies at our feet by the time the service ended.

Thursday 16th; Public holiday; Today Ally and I were due to do a Triathlon. When I woke up at around 04.30am it was blowing and raining. I went outside a couple of times and each time I was greeted by a heavier downpour and stronger winds. That was enough for me to decide that we would have to miss this one. Later in the morining we received an SMS to say that the event was cancelled.

Friday morning still a bit overcast. I am off to work, family goes to the beach and then this evening we have the whole gang for supper of burgers.

Saturday 18th December 2010: Ron Pask; My old friend's birthday. I go to the beach for a run and swim: Adrian Smith, Adrienne Wilson, Andre Muller, ElMarie, Marie Louise Emslie, Gerald, Pat and Ronel Scheepers, Anne Du Rand, Andrew Jonas: Run the 10kay and swim afterwards. I am feeling good for running this morning. I have had this leg injury that has been niggling me, but this morning I am able to keep up with the front of our little group. Ron and his friends drive past. It is his birthday today.
The weather this morning is "muggy" with a high level of moisture in the air. I am wearing a vest but am saturated when we arrive back at the cars at Hobie beach. Jacqui tells me how much Michael is missing being with us for this Christmas. He is running well and is able to run at 5mins a Kay: 12kays in an hour. Mike Dean is not feeling fit and hurt his back playing golf during the week. I had borrowed his bicycle for the Triathlon for Ally to use. Mike falls back and Gerald and Adrienne stay with him. The triathlon which was for 16th is being set up for this morning at Hobie beach.
I fetch Cathy from the airport.

This morning I am off to work, the rest of the group goes to the beach. Michael is not feeling well. He has a great deal of pain in his side where the wound is. Later in the evening the whole family is with us. Cathy and Nicci play SPEED until there is a huge clap of thunder accompanied by a flash of lightning which trips the electricity in a huge part of Port Elizabeth.
So here we are with a huge family gathering. Fortunately I had started the Pizza's early and so we were able to feed the children. But Barbara became desperate and ordered a pile of Pizza's which arrived just as the lights came back on. Meanwhile Nicci had all the children on a blanket in the lounge and was reading them stories from the Greek Mythology book that she received from the Supplier of the School Books that she orders.

Sunday 19.12.2010
This morning we go to the beach and the fun fair. It is some time since I was last at the playland type of organisation. We have the whole tribe of children from Anabelle to Jessica. We start off with a ride on the bumper cars. First off you have to purchase hundreds of rands of tickets. We have 9 children, Cathy, Jacqui, Barbara, Ally and myself. Playland has a special sense of sounds and smells. Candyfloss (spook asem), Cold Drinks, Oil and the smell of the electric cables all blend to make that special aroma that is perculiar to Playland.
Then there are the sounds. There is a Blaring speaker system playing 60's music combined with a bit of contemporary pop music. Mainly Country and Rock fills the air giving the Area a special atmosphere and makes one remember the days when we were children staying at Brooks Hill Caravan Park and making our way to the Fun fair where there is now two hotels.
While on the bumper cars I try to capture a few photo's but the phone in my hand goes flying and shatters on the track. Fortunately no one rides over the phone or the components so I am able to salvage the phone. But from now on I am no longer able to charge the phone while it is still alive. So I am also not able to download the photo's that I have taken.

Then the group move off to the variety of rides on offer. There are the Kiddy Rides such as the roundabout with horses and the flying tea cups. Then there are the more adventurous rides such as the Space Ship with internal animations. Barbara remembers one from London but this one here is not nearly up to that standard. Nicci, Cathy and Ally ride the space ship that goes over and over and "Nearly Die". Then some of the group go on the swings and there is a huge amount of fear combined with excitement.

We feel for Daniel who is just too small to ride on the same rides as Joshua is able. And he is also too old for the real Kiddy Rides.
The sun takes its toll and this evening there is a bit of sun stroke; Especially Mia and Daniel who are hot to touch.
This evening Barbara & I go to church. The rest of the group are exhausted and we meet for supper after the service.
Monday morning I head off to Butterworth and Idutywa in the Transkei. It is a long drive there and I am exhausted that evening but find a Game Reserve where I book in for the evening. The place is run by Andrew and Debbie and they make excellent hosts. It is a hunt and a viewing reserve. Andrew is from this area and has farmed here for years.

I get home on Tuesday evening and take the children for a walk to the park. They love the walk and the swings etc. They each take turns on the Rope Swing which is dangerous and exciting.
Wednesday Morning Stefan joins me for a morning run. We run the golf course there and back. That evening Is the wedding of Jude: Jacqui's school friend who has married a Russian and has an elaborate and well planned wedding function. Stefan is the photographer. They stay out till late and I am up early on Thursday morning for a run. I am the only one of the Slow Group and run on my own for most of the way.
Thursday and Friday fly past. Family all busying themselves with shopping, beach, cooking and being together.
Friday morning 24th December. The MPRG -- Mainly Adrienne Wilson, Arrange a beach run. Stefan and Saul join me as does Reinhard. Lisa and Reinhard have been regular visitors over the past number of evenings. Jacqui and Lisa formed a strong bond when they were living in London. It is an overcast morning and we get to Millars beach front in time to start the slow jog at 05.30am.
We are joined by; Adrienne and Matthew, Margie and Brian Ross Saunders, Colin Mc Call, Sjani Human, Annie and John DuRand, Pat, Ronel and Gerald Scheepers, Elmarie, Andrew, Kathleen, Martin. We jog along the Promenade to the Humewood Golf Course or Flat Rock. The tide is high, the water fairly rough and we simply love our morning with the sunrise. As we are on our way back I look ahead; Our colourful running group is strung out ahead of us, on the left is the panorama of the Humewood Golf Course and to the right is the beach and the ocean with Surfers and Dolfins sharing waves. It is a still,damp slightly humid morning and is picture perfect. I am here with my two sons in law and Reinhard. Do I totally love life?
We jog back to the cars where Lisa, Barbara, Nicci bring family and dogs. I have some coffee and muffins in the boot while Adrienne has the Champagne and orange juice. We make up 24 people this morning. The rest of the MPRG joins us: Kobus, Andy who had to drive as he has an injury, Suzanne, Elmarie. On our little platform is Nutsio who is an Italian who works in a Jewerly shop in Walmer Park. We all share a stunning morning of fellowship and celebrate our group. I have the priveledge of having all of my Grandchildren there: Jessica, Joshua, Daniel, Christian, Aaron, Zara, Mia, Emily & Annabell. As we are about to leave, Michelle Stuart runs past and we greet each other.
Cathy, Saul, Stefan and I decide we need new running shoes for Two Oceans. Brian Bands has SMS'd to say there is a 20% off sale and we end up buying three pairs of shoes. Basically we buy new versions of the old shoes we have been running in.
I am off to work for the morning and then home to prepare for the supper. Barbara loves having her daughters with her to do all of the neccesary preparations and decorating the tables. Stefan, Saul and I try for the umpteenth time to watch the movie: Town which is a story about bank robbers in Charlestown, Boston. Stefan had bought me this Hard Drive which is able to store movies. It will now be possible to share movies that they have on Sticks and their hard Drives.
Our evening meal is a huge success but by 9.00pm we are all pretty exhausted and fall asleep. The house is full; Jacqui and children have decided to stay over for the evening.
Saturday 25th; Christmas Day. I am up early to check up on the work of Father Christmas. He should by now have distributed the Christmas Stockings. It seems that all is well and I decide to quickly drive over to Michaels home to see if they have their allocated stocking. Fortunately there is the stocking on the driveway and I return home satisfied. It is raining fairly heavily and there is not one car on the road this morning.
By the time I get home the house is mainly awake and one by one the parents and the children join us on our bed to open and to check up on their stockings. After Church, which is packed to capacity both in the hall and in the fellowship center, we open the HUGE pile of presents that adorn our tree.
It is a stunning Christmas Morning in PE. We all head off to church where we take up an entire Pew even though some of the children park themselves in the front. Ally is Father Christmas this morning and hands out the gifts. She does it well making sure tha the children receive gifts in turns. There are a lot of fine gifts. I have given Barbara a Painting Set which Jacqui found for me. I receive two pairs of shorts, A slingbag Wallet, A book on the Eastern Cape from Charles, a book by Bill Bryson called "A short history of nearly everything".
Our Lunch comprises lots and lots of leftovers. They day is spent Lazing around until Saul suggests a Bike Ride. We sort out the road bike that Mike Dean has lent me plus the Mountain bike and Stefan, Saul and I cycle the Walmer Circuit. There is a strong East Wind but this does not bother us too much as we are mainly downhill when into the wind.
Sunday morning; Stefan and I head for the beach where we jog up to Flat Rock. We meet up with Bonito (borito) from Bloemfontien who is training for Two Oceans and the three of us chat and run the morning away. On the way back we greet various people including Michelle Stuart and her sister, Gaynor and daughter Claire (From Jo-Burg). We drop Cathy and Saul off at the airport. They fly back to Cape Town. Today is spent playing games and watching TV until we go to Michael's house for a late afternoon Braai. All the children, Jacqui and I have a swim. They have a salinated pool and it is reasonably full and clean.
By the time we go home it is already after 7pm and I am exhausted. Barbara follows a little later. I have passed when she gets home.
Monday Morning is a Public Holiday. Stefan and I skip the running. It would have been too much of organisation. Barbara is up early and leaves for Michaels home where jacqui has packed the last of her stuff and is ready to leave. Nicci and I follow and then we drop Jacqui, Emily and Annabell off at the airport. After a Coffee we leave them and they start their long flight to Johannesburg, and then Ethiopian Airlines to Tel-Aviv. Michael will collect them.
This morning we had some stunning time on the beach at Hobie with the children. They seemingly cannot get enough of the sea. It is crowded but we manage to find parking and take boards to the beach. The boards are not used. Stefan has a new ball that bounces on the water. It must not be bounced on the ground as it loses its ability to bounce off the water and waves.
This week is a working week for me. Stefan comes running with me on Tuesday Morning. Wednesday morning we meet on the beach for another of out promenade runs. we run to the Flat rock and back. Stefan is with me and I think that he is really enjoying these morning outings. After an invigorating swim I go to work and Stefan and Family leave for Plett where they spend the night before leaving for Ceres to be with Gush and Lynette for New Years Eve. Thursday I head off for King Williams Town for the day. Charles phoned and we had supper of Spagetti and delicious sauces while playing bridge. I love these evenings with them as they are so relaxed and no one minds if wine is spilt on the table or if there are some mistakes made when playing.
Friday Morning 31 December 2010 is the last day of the year. We start the day with a run from Millers beach. We had planned to run from Hobie but the parking area was closed off for the evening festivities. We run to the Harbour Wall; Ben & Suzanne, Anne and John; Adrienne; Pat, Gerald, Ronel and John who is here from UK with his wife to be; Kathleen who is moving to Johannesburg next week; Colin, Margie, Brian Ross and Margies daughter Samantha. We see Peter and ElMarie Mac Ewan on the beach.
At the Harbour Wall you can see the actual size of the Dolosse which act as a break water for the wall. After the run we enjoy a coffee; Champagne and Orange Juice on the platform. This is a great way to end this year. I go off to work for half a day. This afternoon I remember to finally purchase some tubes for the mountain bike that has been standing upside down for a month. I also take a load of rubbish to the tip. Barbara has been hard at work this week cleaning up the house and her school of all the mess that has accumulated. Michael and family come over for some bridge and I have a early night. Barbara remains faithful to tradition and sees midnight in.
During this week Ron was in Johannesburg and he SMS'd me to visit an uncle at the Mercantile hospital. Robert Baasch. I was able to see him twice. His family was from Grahamstown where he was headed when he had a car accident. He was badly banged up and at 83 years was unable to fight off the trauma and died just before the end of the year. I also met his daughter from JHB, Maura and his wife Clem. Ron came back just in time to see him before he died.
I have just learned what I was doing wrong trying to load photographs onto this blog when my Phone decided to fly out of my hands on the bumper cars at the fun fair. Now the phone switches off when I plug it in so I am not able to transfer my phone photos to the computer.
Stefan bought me this external Hard Drive which is able to carry around 400 movies. I have now learned how to borrow movies from other people and to download them to this Media Player which we can move to any room and it plays movies like a DVD player. Stefan has also set me up with Uncapped DSL and this is cheaper than I have been paying in the past for around 3Gig's.
Peter Giddy
1 JANUARY 2011

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