Jenny and boyfriend Charles came to PE.
Julia went to Plett, African Haven and Wildcliff with them.

Michael discovered a Kidney stone and had to be admitted to St Georges hospital where he spent the first day comfortably before passing the stone. But in the process of tests the doctors found that he had a growth on his kidney. After a weekend at home he went in to hospital again on Tuesday 8th and was operated on that night. Cathy had spent the weekend with us as support to Barbara and Nicky arrived on Tuesday. Barbara, Nicky and Lene spent the night at the hospital giving support to Michael. The surgery started after 19.30 and went on for around 3hours before Michael was wheeled out. They explained to me later how he had been in terrible pain and spent most of the night in agony.
Wednesday morning he was in ICU still in a lot of discomfort as though he had been punched repeatedly in the stomach. Meahwhile during all of this Nicky was a huge support to Barbara and Michael. We received amazing love and kindness from family and from friends (Cell Group and many others). Prayers from our cell group including Chris who brought some brownies, Ena who phoned me constantly, Patrick, Julia, Ron who read about Michael on Facebook, Michael's work at Russells where he had a short term contract in the warehouse; Scotty, Charine and the managers;
A cancerous growth was removed. We have spoken to the Doctor and will learn later next week the outcome of the Biopsy and the prognosis for Michael's future health.
Barbara, Ally and I went to Oudtshoorn this month for the Freda Barnard Gala. Ally had not been 100% fit with an attack of Bronchitis. Ally was on a pile of medication including an asthma pump. However she swam her heart out and in one event; relay medley, Ally swam butterfly and pulled her team to a third place. The other team members did well to hold their own but Ally was one of the backbone members of the team.
I had a business trip to East London. When there I went for a morning run and met ...... who was a cyclist. Small world; He lives in Hallack Road and I see him and he sees our running group on the days when we do Hallack Road and Park Drive for our morning runs.
Nippers: We had a good practice session on Sunday 7th. Unfortunately there is only a small group of U14's taking part this year. Overall we have the potential for a really strong group but as yet have not developed a team.
Monday 8.11.2010 to Saturday 13.11.2010
Michael goes into St Georges hospital on Tuesday. Cathy has been with us this weekend. Nicky arrives from CT this afternoon. Barbara, Nicky and Lene spend most of Tuesday night at the hospital. Michael finally has his operation to remove the tumor at around 19.30. The doctor probes for around two hours before cutting to remove the growth on the left hand kidney. When Michael comes out of theater he is in agony and suffers the whole night. Wednesday morning Michael stays in ICU for today. Thursday finally Michael is released to a general ward for the next two days and the recovery process begins. Saturday Michael is allowed to go home. The doctor has still not given us results of the Biopsy.
Friday evening I collect Keith from the airport. Ally has a Gala and swims a 100M Freestyle in 1.13 which I think is an excellent time. This was at Newton Park pool. Satuday morning I have an excellent run at the beach. Then Keith and I drive through to Grahamstown. Nicky flys off home to Cape Town. Keith meets up with Nills his eldest son who is studying at Rhodes and who has had a tough year. It is Nils' 20th birthday.
Keith has a long chat to Nills about his studies and we then visit the Digs where he wants to live for his last year at Rhodes. It is a real dive, dirty and untidy. Not at all condusive to study. There are around 5 of his old school friends living in this house. We have lunch at the Rat & Parrot before driving through to Kenton. We try to stop over at Charles & Ingrid's Caravan home in Bushmans but Ingrid does not answer her phone and there is a new security gate. We then take the road to the Karel Landman Monument, through Amakhala to Patterson and past Addo. On the route we saw a variety of game including large herds of Zebra, Red Hartebees, Eland, Nyala (we think) and then towards the end of the drive and near to Addo we saw a g=herd of 5 Elephant. There was one baby and 4 adults relatively close to where we could park. They were the most magnificent, stately animals.
Keith's Son: Nills failed one of his subjects. He did not attend sufficient of the lectures to be able to write. He is smoking heavily and, while it may seem okay to students, I think that he is drinking far too much. He has played around with Dagga and now wants to move out of the Res to a Digs home. This home is a cesspool and not at all conducive to study. Keith is worried about his life there. We had a long chat to Nills with me giving some input as well. But Nills will continue with his current life unless he himself catches a "wake up call". It will not be the result of a chat like yesterday. It is a catch 22 for Keith as he does not want to abandon his son but also he does not want to provide Nills with the financial means to live a slothful life which has no uplifting benefit. Sometimes hardship can be a cure. Remember the Comrades sign on the road with 30kays to go when you are dying on your feet: 'Nothing really worthwhile is easy".
Back home we watch the Springbok rugby team in their tour of Ireland, Wales and England. Last weekend they beat Ireland and this weekend the Springboks manage to hold off a fierce attempt by Wales to beat us at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff.

Ally has been at the Gala again today and she is in her Hip Hop dance show this evening. Barbara, Jessica and I watch the show. Ally dances very well and at the end receives an award. At the Gala it was announced that Ally would be in the Develpment team for the next number of years.
This week Julia Giddy had her third prang in the old Mercedes. We have the old Mazda Bakkie brakes fixed and are able to start carting the mountain of rubbish away from the back yard.
I dropped Keith off at the airport. Then took a load of rubbish to the Tip. Then it was church where Charles's Music group was playing. Tim Marshall was the speaker. He spoke of the meaning of Worship as being a sacrifice. Michael was in church but this was probably a mistake as he was in a lot of discomfort and pain. Ally, Mike's children and I went to Nippers where we jogged to Hobie beach. Andrew took the boards there and we had a stunning morning doing board work. Then a group of U12's and U14's paddled to Summerstrand on their Malibu boards. I was thrilled to see how their confidence was boosted by their peers. Ally and Barbara passed out for an afternoon nap.
Thursday 18th
We went to Ally's Prize Giving award evening. Last year Ally had been very disappointed that she had not won a prize. THis year Ally told us that she expected to win something. However we were a bit sceptical as the award are mainly centered around Academic and Dilligence.
THe awards came and went. Then right at the very end Ally was given an award. We were quite joyful. Then as the awards were about to end the final few awards were still outstanding. Ally and Mark Zonevelt were called up as Sporst Boy and Sports Girl of the year. As she was presented with this award I cannot describe the feeling of pride for this wonderful young lady. Here she was being awarded with the Sports Girl of the year; this is probably the most coveted award of all awards. Academic is one thing in school but sports girl award tells a whole lot more; to your peers at least.
Ally was truly a deserving awardee and this was confirmed by the Head Master: Allan Lones. He mentioned how she was always there with her bright smile and cheerful nature. Ally has played Hockey and Swimming for EP this year. Ally was in the EP Nippers Squad this and last year and a few years ago represented EP in Biathlon. We have been so proud of her in every event that she takes part.
Now Ally has been chosen for a special team in swimming. While her day to day training will not change; she has the opportunity for special treatment and analysis of her swimming ability. Brian Elliot will be the main coaching co-ordinator but Ally will continue to train with David Glover.
Saturday morning 21st
We started the morning with a 10kay at Hobie Beach and a swim there after. THen I drove to WIllows where I did Marshalling for the Achilles team. Jeanine and mother Christal were there. I left after the 10kay event as I had to be at Hurbert Hurd school for a swim meeting. Then I went to work and watched the Scots beat the Springboks in Edinburgh. It was a really scrappy match in the rain with us giving away one penalty after another.
Sunday morning I did my first Ocean Swim of the season. Ally was due to come as well but had a bit of a cough and had not slept well. I had been very nervous of this event but once I got going I felt a whole lot better. I had chatted to Rob Connacher, Brian & Margie Saunders, Colin McCall, Ronel Scheepers, Clair Breedske, Ant (Charles friend), Ron and Lyn Pask, &, & & .....
I had loaded up the trailer and taken it with me. After the swim I drove to Summerstrand where we had a good training session. Ally and a group of U12's and U14's paddled past the second Pipe and back. I took two young boys for a good swim to the first pipe. Then it was a case of lots of time in the water plus some sprint and flags training.
After Nippers we loaded up the trailer in preparation for the Plett Carnival next weekend.
This week I travelled to Queenstown for business. This time of year can be quite exhausting. I did store visits - some good and some tiring as I have to go over the same stuff again and again.
Back home on Thursday evening> Michael was given a bit of a clean bill of health. We hope that this works out.
Michael has just got back from the oconologist (I really need to check the spelling of this word one day). These are the facts as they stand right now:
You get three levels of cancer:
Level 1 is a small growth that is benign, removed and that is the end of it.
Level 2 is a reasonable size growth of more than 4cm and
Level 3 is more than likely unoperable, large and malignant
Mikes growth is primary, classed as a level 2 only because of its size (6cm). The growth was completely incapsulated and removed leaving no growth behind, There is no cancer in Mikes blood or any other organs. The doctors are also not 100% sure that it is malignant and not benign. More tests on the growth will be done in Cape Town. Mike will go for complete body scans every three months (and Nay will probably sneak in 1 every month at work).
Mike will not undergo any treatment such as radiation, chemo etc. because there is nothing to treat as he stands right now.
There is a 60% chance that it will not come back again. Mike is feeling healthy, a little sore still where the stitches were taken out, but ready to look for work next year and get on with his life.
There is a 40% chance that Mike could get a growth again, not in the same place, but could appear in a gland or anywhere else.
If Mike feels pain anywhere he must have it checked out immediately.
Should the growth come back again it could be agressive.
The doctor, who is apparently world class, is confident and said Mike should concentrate on the 60%.
So there we are. Praying for the best for our son. With the support of many friends and family.
Friday was a long day at the office for me. I had to collect scull caps and the trailer licence at the clubhouse after work and then make ready for the trip to Plett in the morning. Unfortunately, due to exams, we have a poor turnout at Plett by Summies Nippers this time around.

We stayed at Ena's Flat for our Nippers trip. We had the trailer at the back of our car which slowed us down a bit and used DOUBLE the petrol but it was okay with the trailer and it gave us no trouble at all. While we did not have a big turnout for Summies at Nippers, we accounted for ourselves with Ally as TOP U14 Nipper Girl and Daniel Jones as 2ND in the U14 boys. Ally simply takes part in every possible event. She makes us very proud and we receive a lot of compliments at the strangest of times and totally unexpected.

We had an awesome team of 6 X U14 boys; 1 X U14 Girl and 3 X U12 Girls. Plus Shimone who had not done her level test. Shimone competed where ever she could but had to pull out of the results. Shimone was placed high in all the events where she took part. Swim; Body and Malibu Boards; Long Run etc.

U14 Boys: Daniel Jones; Christian Fraser; Tristan Jonas (14th Birthday =27th); Bradley Odendaal; Bonga Mosola; Taine Finn
U14 Girl: Ally Giddy
U12 Girls; Marion Jonas; Sancha Goliath & Erica van Rooyen.
We won the Boys and the Girls Sea Swim. (Daniel and Ally)
We had two teams for Taplin including one U12 and came 4th and 5th overall.
We had two teams for Sprint Relay (Also including an U12) and were placed 2nd and 5th overall.
Body Board Relay we were 2nd and 5th
And I think we were the same for Malibu.

Then on Sunday having U14: 3 boys in Sprint and 3 boys in Flags finals; And U12 Erica and Marion in Flags and Sprint finals.
We started the day with Long Run
Marion = 2nd and Erica =3
Tristan = 2 with Bonga a close 3rd. Bradley followed with 7th Place.
Ally = 3rd
Run Swim Run
Erica = 5 and Sancha = 11
Daniel 2 Christian = 4
Ally = 1st

Malibu Board Individual
Erica =12th
Daniel = 3; Christian = 5
Ally = 5
Iron Nipper
Daniel = 3; Christian = 4
Ally = 2
Individual Sprint Finals
Erica = 4
Tristan = 1; Bonga = 2 and Taine =3
Ally = 2
Flags Finals
Marion = 5
Erica =6
Tristan = 2; Bonga = 3 and Taine =7
Ally = 5
Overall Results
U10 - No representative
U12 - Summies were 4/5 teams
U14 - We were placed 2nd to Kings Beach with our small but corageous team.
Overall we were 4th placed team.
Under 14 boys: Daniel was 2nd Best Competitor
Under 14 Girls: Ally was Best Competitor.
Parents who enjoyed this weekend:
Peter & Barbara Giddy
Lawrence and Tess Finn
Andrew and Catherine Jonas
Gary & Deidre Goliath
Joy van Rooyen
Tony, Raylene and Kiliegh Odendaal.

Roger Fraser
Vanessa and Mike Jones
We started the day off on Saturday with a small argument as we were pushed around as to where we could pitch our tent. We ended up where we always are. East London had a full on team; the biggest we have ever seen from EL. Kings Beach had a strong team with the parents supporting the Plett Carnival 100%. Plett themselves had the biggest of the 5 teams while Summies had 10 nippers with Hobie beating us with 12 Nippers.
The events ran very smoothly but the water was freezing cold. A couple of us parents tried swimming but it was simply too cold to stay in the water. It was a hot sunny day and towards the later afternoon it became a "searing heat". I went out on the Malibu board a couple of times to support our brave U12's. This was the very first time that Sancha had ever been on a Malibu Board. She bravely did the course, overturned at the second buoy where we swapped boards and she finished in fine style. Marion is terrified of the waves (What waves?) but she too completed the Malibu Board event.
During the day a couple of the younger group were pulled in as they cramped or just could not take the cold.
We were treated to both a pair of seals and a school of dolphins. The two seals never left the beach as they flopped inside of the Buoys. This gave the Nippers something to do as they tried to follow the seals. There were large numbers of fish that provided a meal for the birds and the seals.
Later in the afternoon we watched Rugby (Springboks play England) in the Plett clubhouse. It was a good festive afternoon with a satisfying end to a hard UK tour. We had beaten the Irish and the Welsh, Lost to the Scots and were delighted to have beaten the England Team in the last of 4 matches.
Sunday morning it was drizzling and raining intermittently the whole morning. The water was even colder today without the warm sun. We enjoyed watching a huge flock of Comorants fly just above the waterline. The events continued to run smoothly. However we always under estimate the time it takes to complete the flags finals. After the results had been called out it was around 13.30 before we could leave.
Plett is always a treat. To those who missed the outing this year: put it in Dark Pen in your 2011 diary.

Monday 29th back to PE and work and running in the morning with the group. Tuesday 30th I drove through to Transkei after spending Monday night at the Red Valley B& B in Khomga.